Arduino Starter Series - The Binary Dice Game

Arduino Aug 20, 2015

This is a project from my Arduino starter series.

In this project I'm going to make a binary dice using some LEDs and switches on a breadboard connected to an Arduino Uno. This project is ideal for beginners who have grasped the basics of Arduino programming and prototyping but wish to learn something a little more advanced. Enjoy!

Project Requirements
  • Arduino Uno/Duemilanove/Diecimila
  • USB cable to program Arduino
  • Breadboard
  • Three LEDS (Any colours will do)
  • Three 220 Ohm Resistors
  • Two 1k Resistors
  • Two Pushbuttons
  • Wires to power the components on the breadboard
The Breadboard Setup

Ensure that your configuration is the same as specified in this image

Arduino Sketch

As usual, I've commented the code as mush as possible to explain every line.

#include <Bounce2.h> // Useful library to help with pushbutton debouncing

// Pin setup
// LED pins
int LED0 = 13;
int LED1 = 12;
int LED2 = 11;

// Misc Pins
int RANDOMBUTTON = 7; // Pin that controls the pushbutton for randomisation
int STARTBUTTON = 6; // Pin that controls the pushbutton to start the game
int BAUDRATE = 9600; // Set the BAUD for serial communication

int DELAY = 20; // Millisecond delay for debounce on buttons

// Store the random value for the game generated when pushing the random button
int randomNum = 0;

// Bounce buttons using the Bounce2 library to simplify bounce concerns
// Read more about Bounce2 here:
Bounce startButton;
Bounce randomButton;

void setup() {
  // Setting output mode for LED pins
  pinMode(LED0, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(LED1, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(LED2, OUTPUT);

  // Setting input mode for pushbutton pins

  // Setup for the start button, attaching it to the pushbutton pin and setting the button debounce delay

  // Setup for the random button, attaching it to the pushbutton pin and setting the button debounce delay

  // Generating a random seed so the randomisation is always unique at each boot

  // Serial monitor is required to display the random number and result of the game

// Loop function checks both buttons for interactivity
void loop() {

// Random button functionality
void loop_randomButton() {
  if (randomButton.update()) {
    // If the button is pressed, output the result to the LEDs and to the Serial monitor
    if ( == HIGH) {
      randomNum = random(1, 7); // Generate a random number
      led_display(randomNum); // Run the led display function to display the random number in binary on the LEDs
      // Display the guess in the Serial monitor
      Serial.print("Random Guess: ");

// Start button functionality
void loop_startButton() {
  if (startButton.update()) {
    // If the button is pressed, generate a random number and display the result on the LEDS and the Serial monitor
    // Also check if the result is the same as the random result and run the player win function to indicate that the player has won
    if ( == HIGH) {
      int result = random(1, 7); // Generate a random number between 1 and 7 (Notice that the binary operations in led_display only go up to 7
      led_display(result); // Run the output function to display the result in binary on the LEDs

      // Display the result in the Serial monitor
      Serial.print("Result: ");

      // Check the result against the random value
      if (randomNum > 0) {
        if (result == randomNum) { // If the result and random match then the player wins
          Serial.println("Player win!"); // Display win status in the Serial Monitor
          playerWins(); // Flash the LEDS using the player win function
        } else { // If the the random number and result don't match then the player loses 
          Serial.println("Player loses!");
      delay(2000); // Delay by 2 seconds to prevent 
      randomNum = 0; // Reset randomNum to 0, this ensures that a player can only attempt to match the randomNum once

// Display the resulting valued in binary on the LEDS
// More information on Bitwise AND operations are available here:
// Converting the result into binary. The & checks the result determining if the binary version is 1 or 0 which sets the LED status accordingly
// Notice the changes to the B001, B010, B100
// The binary values used are:
// B001 = 1; B010 = 2; B011 = 3; B100 = 4; B101 = 5; B110 = 6; B111 = 7; 
// Now you can see that the binary dice goes up to 7 values, you can add more LEDs and increase the random value range to make a more complex dice
void led_display(const long result) {
  digitalWrite(LED0, result & B001);
  digitalWrite(LED1, result & B010);
  digitalWrite(LED2, result & B100);

// This function just flashes the lights indicating that the player has won
void playerWins() {
  // Run this function 5 times
  for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
    led_display(7); // Sets all LEDs on using the output_result function which is B111 meaning that all LEDs are enabled
    led_display(0); // Turns all the LEDs off

Project available on Github at Arduino Binary Dice

Nicholas Bester

I have 15 years of experience in design, development and implementation of digital marketing solutions ranging from virtual reality, 3D projection mapping, mobile apps and massive web platforms.