Nahana COVID 19 Screening App

Mobile apps Jun 15, 2020

The Chief Operations Officer at the Nahana Communications Group was looking at re-opening the offices as restrictions related to the lockdown in South Africa started decreasing.

The Department of Labour announced that an obligation for opening any office would be to check the temperature of all employees going in and out of the office. As such, the COO was looking for an app to help process this requirement faster and mitigate any potential risks that would arise from employees in close proximity while at the entrances and exits of the buildings.

The functional requirements for the app were as follows:

  • All employees should complete a simple health questionnaire daily
  • All employees need to be able to capture their temperature on entry and exit of any Nahana Group offices
  • All guests are subject to the same requirements as employees
  • A record of all entries and individuals entering the buildings is needed for audit requirements.

I started by creating a functional specification for this project and going through the requirements with the COO to ensure we were on the same page with regards to the intended outcome. After that, I designed the solution within Adobe XD and created a prototype which allowed for further alignment to the intended outcome and a transparent engagement before developing the solution.

Armed with the functional specification and the designs, I setup out choosing a framework to build the application. I went with Ionic Framework due to my previous experience with the platform and my understanding of the Angular framework. I also needed something that would allow cross platform publishing for iOS, Android and web.

The timeline for this project was short, having a Progressive Web App as a fallback solution was required so that if publishing to iOS and Android stores was delayed, we'd atleast have a solution ready by the time the offices reopened.


  • Ionic Framework


  • Specifications
  • Design
  • Development
  • Publishing

Nicholas Bester

I have 15 years of experience in design, development and implementation of digital marketing solutions ranging from virtual reality, 3D projection mapping, mobile apps and massive web platforms.