Arduino Starter Series - The Mood Cue
This is a project from my Arduino starter series.
In this project I'm going to make the Mood Cue project from the Arduino Projects Book. This project is ideal for beginners . Enjoy!
Project Requirements
- Arduino Uno/Duemilanove/Diecimila
- USB cable to program Arduino
- Breadboard
- A Servo Motor
- Two 100 uF Capacitors
- One Potentiometer
- Wires to power the components on the breadboard
The Breadboard Setup
The Code
As usual I've commented the code and provided reference to websites for further reading
// We need to include the Servo library since we're using a servo in this sketch
#include <Servo.h>
// We need to create a servo instance and set a pin to be used by the Servo
Servo deciderServo;
const int servoPin = 9;
// We also need to define some variables that will be used to operate the potentiometer
const int potPin = A0; // We connect the potentiometer to analog pin A0
int potValue; // This will store the value from the potentiometer when we rotate it
int angle; // This variable will store the converted potentiometer value in degrees
// Setup functionality
void setup() {
deciderServo.attach(servoPin); // The servo gets attached to the servo pin defined
Serial.begin(9600); // In order for us to debug the potValue and angle variables we connect the Serial monitor on BAUD 9600
// Loop functionality
void loop() {
// The first thing we need to do is read the value from the potentiometer
potValue = analogRead(potPin); // We use the analogRead function passing in the pin for the potentiometer
// We then print this value out to Serial so we can see it in the Serial Monitor
Serial.print("Potentiometer Value: ");
// Next we use the map function to convert the potentiometer value into degrees
// The map function scales numbers doing all the heavy lifting for you converting
// any value between 0 and 1024 to a value between 0 and 180
// We store this value in our angle variable which will be used to control the servo
// Read more about the map function here:
angle = map(potValue, 0, 1024, 0, 180);
// We then print the angle to the Serial Monitor
Serial.print(", Servo angle: ");
// We write the angle value to the servo using the write function
// the write function accepts a value in degrees and angle is a degrees value
// Read more about the Servo library here:
// Lastly we need to delay the loop function by a few milliseconds to give
// the servo a chance to complete its physical movement. I'd suggest playing
// with this value a bit, it will give you an idea of why this is necessary
This project is available on my Github Page