Arduino Starter Series - Light Theremin
This is a project from my Arduino starter series.
In this project I'm going to make the Light Theremin project from the Arduino Projects Book. This project is ideal for beginners. Enjoy!
Project Requirements
- Arduino Uno/Duemilanove/Diecimila
- USB cable to program Arduino
- Breadboard
- A Buzzer (Small speaker)
- One Photo Resistor
- One 10K Resistor
- Wires to power the components on the breadboard
The Breadboard Setup
The Code
I left the code for this project almost identical to that of the book. I've only removed the LED code they had and I added some constants for the piezo/buzzer pin and the photo resistor pin
// variable to hold sensor value
int sensorValue;
// variable to calibrate low value
int sensorLow = 1023;
// variable to calibrate high value
int sensorHigh = 0;
// Piezo pin
const int piezoPin = 8;
// Photo resistor pin
const int photoResistorPin = A0;
void setup() {
// calibrate for the first five seconds after program runs
while (millis() < 5000) {
// record the maximum sensor value
sensorValue = analogRead(A0);
if (sensorValue > sensorHigh) {
sensorHigh = sensorValue;
// record the minimum sensor value
if (sensorValue < sensorLow) {
sensorLow = sensorValue;
void loop() {
//read the input from photoResistorPin and store it in a variable
sensorValue = analogRead(photoResistorPin);
// map the sensor values to a wide range of pitches
int pitch = map(sensorValue, sensorLow, sensorHigh, 50, 4000);
// play the tone for 20 ms on piezoPin
tone(piezoPin, pitch, 20);
// wait for a moment
This project is available on my Github page